Chameleon's Tongue

Jul 8, 2016 20:32
Previously, I wrote about changes of chameleon's body color, but today I will talk about chameleon's tongue.

As you may know, chameleons catch their food by stretching their long sticky tongues.

Chameleons have very long tongues that are 1.5 to 2 times longer than their body length, and the tongues are normally folded like an accordion.

Also, chameleons launch their tongues at a very high speed by using special muscles around from the tip to the root of the tongue.

According to a study from Brown University, the acceleration of a chameleon's tongue achieves up to 264 gravities.

If the tongue were to be a car, the speed would reach a speed of 90 kilometers per hour in only 0.01 seconds.






No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • As you may know, chameleons catch their food by stretching their long sticky tongues.
  • As you may know, chameleons catch their food (or: prey) by stretching (or: sticking out) their long sticky tongues.
  • Also, chameleons launch their tongues at a very high speed by using special muscles around from the tip to the root of the tongue.
  • Also, chameleons launch their tongues at a very high speed by using special muscles located around the tip and in the root of the tongue.
Interesting! Chameleons are really gifted creatures.
Thank you so much always fore correcting my post!
Yes, many scientists are fascinated with chameleons.
You're welcome!^_^